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Justice Ministry declares Brief, Brief Vazhnoye, Nezygar, Sirena channels foreign agents

MOSCOW, August 16. /TASS/. Russia’s Justice Ministry has included the Brief, Brief Vazhnoye, Nezygar and Sirena TV channels in the register of foreign agents.
“The association of persons – the Brief Vazhnoye telegram channel was disseminating inaccurate information about the decisions taken by the authorities of Russia and the policy pursued by them, as well as inaccurate information aimed at forming a negative image of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. It took part in the dissemination of messages and content of foreign agents for an unlimited number of persons,” the news release reads.
Also, the Justice Ministry included in the register of foreign agents the deputy editor-in-chief of the Dozhd TV channel Renat Davletgildeyev and president of the Zenden group Andrey Pavlov.
The ministry’s website specifies that Davletgildeyev participated in the creation and dissemination for an unlimited number of persons of messages and materials of foreign agents, as well as disseminated inaccurate information about the policies and decisions of the Russian authorities. Davletgildeyev also participated as a respondent in information platforms provided by foreign agents and foreign media, and carried out propaganda of LGBT relations (the LGBT movement is recognized as extremist and banned in Russia). He lives outside Russia.
Pavlov participated in the dissemination of messages and content of foreign agents and disseminated inaccurate information about the policies and decisions of the Russian authorities.
